Mold Inspection
Protect The Air You Breathe
Mold is a type of fungus that flourishes in moist environments and reproduces by means of airborne spores. There are over 400,000 types of mold, and while there are only a few dozen that can be toxic, exposure to many molds can lead to health problems. It can also cause structural damage to your house. Places that are exposed to high amounts of moisture (like a bathroom or kitchen) are prime breeding grounds for mold and spores. More information about mold can be found on the CDC’s Mold Website. Additionally, the Texas Department of Licensing & Registration provides a Consumer Mold Information Sheet. To help save you from this potentially costly and unhealthy issue, our home inspector is also licensed by TDLR as a Mold Assessment Technician (MAT #1312).
Initially, we will help you identify what concerns you have. Musty odors or unusual smells can be an indicator that there is mold growth in the home while visual growth is a more clear identifier. We will then recommend what type of testing should be completed. This can be air sampling, surface swab sampling or both. Keep in mind that moisture is the only controllable ingredient that mold needs to grow. It is critical that the source of the moisture be identified and controlled.
The collected samples will then be taken to a local qualified Texas lab for testing. The lab report is generally complete within 2 business days and we use that to complete our report for you. You will receive the full lab report as well as our interpretation of the results, any identified moisture intrusion, conducive conditions and recommendations.
We can inspect the property specifically with an eye toward mold concerns during the add-on mold inspection or a stand-alone mold and moisture intrusion inspection.
Let us help you! Call us at (281) 770-8349 or fill out the following form to get a free estimate on your inspection services.